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1. L Poantă, D. Zdrenghea, D. Gaiţă Aspecte privind stilul de viaţă la muncitorii feroviari. Comportamente de risc cardiovascular, Revista Română de Cardiologie, vol. XIX, Suplimentul A, 2004.

2. L Poantă, D. Zdrenghea, D. Gaiţă Prevalenţa factorilor de risc cardiovascular la muncitorii feroviari, Revista Română de Cardiologie, vol. XIX, Suplimentul A, 2004.

3. A Albu, I. Parasca, S Talu, L Poantă Ankylosing Spondylitis – a Systemic Disease, Rom J Int Medicine, vol. 4, 2004.

4. Cardiovascular risk factors and risk behaviors in railway workers. Professional stress and cardiovascular risk. Zdrenghea D, Poantă L, Gaita D. Rom J Intern Med. 2005;43(1-2):49-59.

5. L Poantă, Mihaela Sabou, I. Parasca, Svetlana Encica Hamartom mediastinal, Medical UPDATE, vol. II, nr. 6, 2005.

6. L Poantă, D Milaş, I Parasca Stenoză duodenală bulbară complicată, Medical UPDATE, vol. III, nr. 10, 2005.

7. L Poantă, N Rednic Neoplasm de prostată cu debut prin insuficienţă renală acută, Medical UPDATE, vol III, nr. 14, 2005.

8. M.L.Rusu, C.Marutoiu, L.D.Rusu, OF Marutoiu, C Hotoleanu, L Poantă Testing Of Magnesium, Zinc and Copper Blood Levels In Diabetes Mellitus Patients. Acta Universitatis Cibiniensis, Seria F Chemia, 2005, 8, 61-65.

9. L Poantă, D. Zdrenghea, A Albu Psychometric Evaluation of Romanian Version of Job Content Questionnaire in Physicians, Rom J Int Medicine, 2006, 44, 2, 183-199.

10. L Poantă, A Albu, I Parasca Sindromul Crouzon, Medical UPDATE, vol VI, nr. 27, aprilie 2007.

11. L Poantă, A Albu, C Grosz Association Between Fatty Liver Disease And Carotid Atherosclerosis In Patients With History Of Stroke. New Horizons in Coronary Artery Disease; proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease octombrie 2007, Medimond International Proceedings, 169 – 173.

12. L Poantă,A Albu Chronic Hepatitis C with Extrahepatic Manifestations. Romanian Journal of Internal Medicine, 2007, 45, 1, 85-89.

13. A Albu, L Damian, L Poantă, D Fodor, Jeican D Cholesterol crystal embolism – new aspects of an "old" disease. Rom J Int Medicine, 2007;45(3):235-41.

14. D Fodor, L Poantă, D Jeican Hyperhomocysteinemia and Type II Protein S Deficiency - Causesof Multiple Arterial Thrombosis. Timisoara Medical Journal, 2007, vol 57 (1): 43 – 47.

15. D Zdrenghea, L Poanta, D Pop, V Zdrenghea, M Zdrenghea Physical training - beyond increasing exercise capacity. Rom J Int Medicine 2008, 46 (I) 17-27.

16. LD Rusu, L Poantă. Heart Rate Variability Assesement Physiological and Pathological Aspects. Proceedings – TOME III. International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, May 22-25 2008 Cluj Napoca Romania.

17. L Poantã, DL. Dumitraşcu Direcţii de Cercetare Actuale în Medicina Psihosomaticã, Buletinul Asociaţiei Balint, 2008, 10 (37); 1-5.

18. LPoanta, DL Dumitrascu Directii recente de cercetare in medicina psihosomatica. Buletinul Asociaţiei Balint, 2008, 10 (39); 7-11.

19. LPoantă, S Rednic, C Ţiboc, I Nicoară.Variabilitatea frecvenţei cardiace în sclerodermie. Medicina modernă. Revista Colegiului Medicilor din Municipiul Bucureşti. Vol XV, (10), 2008, 513-516.

20. Zdrenghea D, Poantă L, Pop D, Zdrenghea V, Zdrenghea M. Physical training--beyond increasing exercise capacity. Rom J Intern Med 2008;46(1):17-27.

21. Fodor D, Poanta L, Rogojan L. Dactylitis and bone lesions at the onset of sarcoidosis: a case report. Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2008 Dec;118(12):774-7.

22. Poantă L, Dumitraşcu DL, Fodor D, Albu A. Atrial Septal Aneurysm and Stroke--A Report of Two CasesRom J Intern Med. 2008; 46 (4):357-60.

23. Poanta L, Dadu R, Tiboc C, Rednic S, Dumitrascu DSystolic and diastolic function in patients with systemic sclerosis. Eur J Intern Med. 2009; 20 (4):378-82. Epub 2008 Nov 29.

24. Poanta L, Dumitrascu DL. Effects of professional stress on the quality of life. Oral presentation la International conference Science and technology in the Context of Sustainable Development, Ploiesti, 6-7 Nov 2008. Publicat in extenso in Buletinul Universității Petrol-Gaze Ploiești, 2008, LX (1B): 93-96.

25. Fodor D, Poanta L, Felea I, Rednic S, Bolosiu H Shoulder impingement syndrome: correlations between clinical tests and ultrasonographic findings. Ortop Traumatol Rehabil. 2009 Mar-Apr;11(2):120-6.

26. Poantă L, Parasca I, Fazakas E, Porojan M, Pais R, Boian L. Paraneoplastic hypertrophic osteoarthropathy: evaluation at 25 years after pneumectomy.Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2009 Sep;119(9):603-6.

27. Poantă L, Porojan M, Clus S, Dumitraşcu DL Cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in diabetes mellitus.. Rom J Intern Med. 2009;47(4):403-7.

28. Porojan M, Poantă L, Fodor D. Health-related quality of life of diabetic patients. Rom J Intern Med. 2009;47(4):409-13.

29. Pais R, Lupşor M, Poantă L, Silaghi A, Rusu ML, Badea R, Dumitraşcu DLLiver biopsy versus noninvasive methods--fibroscan and fibrotest in the diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a review of the literature.. Rom J Intern Med. 2009;47(4):331-40. Review.

30. Albu A, Fodor D, Bidian C, Poanta L. Bronhopneumopatia cronică obstructivă – boală sistemică. Medicina Modernă, 2009; XVI (1): 2-6.

31. M Porojan, L Poanta, A Cerghizan, DL Dumitrascu Quality of life of diabetic patients with coronary heart disease. Clujul Medical2010 vol 83 nr 4, 577-580.

32. M Porojan, Simona Costin, Laura Poanta, Anca Cerghizan, Dana Pop, D L Dumitrascu. Autonomic neuropathy and plasma catecholamine in patients with diabetes mellitus Rom J Int Medicine, 2010, vol 48 no 4.

33. Poanta L, Dumitrascu DLWho should be tested for gastroparesis among diabetic patients. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2010 Jun;19(2):219-20;

34. Poanta LAbordări ale morţii şi mortalităţii în medicina moderna. Revista Romana de Bioetica 2010 8 (1): 45-50.

35. Poantă L, Fodor D, Albu A Left ventricular function in patients with uncomplicated well-controlled diabetes mellitus.. Med Ultrason. 2010 Sep;12 (3):184-7.

36. Fodor D, Albu A, Poantă L, Porojan M. Vitamin K and Vascular Calcifications. Acta Physiol Hung. 2010 Sep; 97(3):256-66.

37. Poantă L, Crăciun A, Dumitraşcu DL Professional stress and inflammatory markers in physicians.. Rom J Intern Med. 2010;48(1):57-63.

38. Poantă L, Albu A, Fodor D Chiari network--case report and brief literature review.. Med Ultrason. 2010 Mar;12 (1):71-2.

39. L Poanta, I Damian, A Albu.Variabilitatea frecvenței cardiace şi toleranţa la efort la pacienţii cu diabet zaharat tip II/Heart rate variability and effort tolerance in patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Palestrica Mileniului III- Civilizaţie şi Sport, 2010 11 (3): 198‒201.

40. L Poanta, A Cerghizan, D Pop Blood pressure pattern and heart rate variability in normotensive patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Romanian Journal of Internal Medicine, 2010, 48 (4). (indexat Medline/PubMed)

41. L Poantă, M Porojan, A Cerghizan, I Damian, D L Dumitrașcu Heart rate variability and cardiovascular symptoms in patients with diabetes mellitus. Clujul Medical 2010; 83 (4) 636-640.

42. Poanta L, Rusu D, Dumitrascu DL.The correlation between symptoms and spirometry in patients presenting with smoking related symptoms.Proceedings – TOME III. International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, May 28-30 2010 Cluj Napoca Romania.

43. D. Pop, L. Procopciuc, A. Sitar-Taut, G. Bodizs, L. Poanta, D. Zdrenghea. BNP FRAGMENT (8-29) Level and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Polymorphism in Heart Failure Patients in Relationship with Body Mass Index. Acta Endocrinologica 2011, VII (1): 39-48.

44. Poanta L, Porojan M, Dumitrascu DLHeart rate variability and diastolic dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Acta Diabetol 2011; 48 (3): 191-197.

45. Silaghi AC, Poanta L, Valea A, Pais R, Silaghi H Is epicardial adipose tissue, assessed by echocardiography, a reliable method for visceral adipose tissue prediction?. Med Ultrason. 2011 Mar; 13 (1):15-20.

46. PoantaL. Dumitrașcu DL. Diabetic gastroparesis – obese versus non obese pacients. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brașov, Series VI Medical Sciences, Vol 4 (53) No 2, 2011.

47. Grosz C, Pais R, Poanta L. Rupture sinus of Valsalva in a patient with dextrocardia. Case report. Med Ultrason. 2011 Dec;13(4):323-5.

48. Poanta LI, Albu A, Fodor D. Association between fatty liver disease and carotid atherosclerosis in patients with uncomplicated type 2 diabetes mellitus. Med Ultrason. 2011 Sep;13(3):215-9.

49. Fodor D, Bondor C, Albu A, Muntean L, Simon SP, Poanta L, Craciun A.Relation between intima-media thickness and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: a cross-sectional study. Sao Paulo Med J. 2011 May;129(3):139-45.

50. C Grosu, L Poanta, A Albu Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes, Nutrition and the Heart, 2012, 3: 46-50.

51. Handa R, Poanta L, Rusu D, Albu A. The role of heart rate variability in assessing the evolution of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Rom J Intern Med. 2012 Jan-Mar;50(1):83-8.

52. Porojan M, Poantă L, Dumitraşcu DL.Assessing health related quality of life in diabetic patients. Rom J Intern Med. 2012 Jan-Mar;50(1):27-31.

53. Balaj R, Poanta L, Rednic S. Cardiac involvement in systemic sclerosis. Rom J Intern Med. 2012 Oct-Dec;50(4):269-74

54. Poantă L, Pop S, Cosgarea M, Fodor D. The role of contrast enhanced ultrasound in the assessment of superficial lymph nodes. Rom J Intern Med. 2012 Jul-Sep;50(3):189-93.

55. Albu A, Fodor D, Poantă L, Man M. Markers of systemic involvement in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Rom J Intern Med. 2012 Apr-Jun;50(2):129-34.

56. Albu A, Fodor D, Bondor C, Poantă L. Arterial stiffness, carotid atherosclerosis and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in postmenopausal women. Eur J Intern Med. 2013 Apr;24(3):250-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2012.11.019. Epub 2012 Dec 28.

57. Fodor D, Badea R, Poanta L, Dumitrascu DL, Buzoianu AD, Mircea PA.The use of ultrasonography in learning clinical examination - a pilot study involving third year medical students. Med Ultrason. 2012 Sep;14(3):177-81.

58. Grad S, Poanta L (coressponding author), Dumitrascu DL, Dragoteanu M; Porojan M. Correlation between symptoms of diabetic gastroparesis and results of gastric scintigraphy Central Eur J Medicine, 2012 7 (1): 20 - 24.

59. Fodor D, Bondor C, Albu A, Popp R, Pop IV, Poanta L. Relationship between VKORC1 single nucleotide polymorphism 1173C>T, bone mineral density & carotid intima-media thickness. Indian J Med Res. 2013 Apr;137(4):734-41.

60. Fodor D, Pascu I, Pop S, Poanta L. The utility of elastography and CEUS for the differentiation between benign and malignant cervical lymphadenopathy. Three cases report.. Med Ultrason. 2013 Mar;15(1):63-6.

61. Simon SP, Fodor D, Muntean L, Poanta L, Cristea P, Rednic S. Bone mineral density, vertebral fractures and body mass index in postmenopausal women with abdominal aortic calcification. Endocr Res. 2014;39(1):1-6.

62. Nat L, Poantă LI. Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH). Rom J Intern Med. 2014 Jan-Mar;52(1):45-9.